*SPECIAL* #31 - Ellen Page

So here we are. Hot Trumps' second ever *SPECIAL*, and I don't think there's anyone more deserving than the beautiful, talented, hilarious Miss Ellen Page. With Zooey off and married and being all musically successful etc (not that I'm at all bitter), I think this little lady might just pip her to my own personal top spot at the moment. Of course, none of the 'Trumps' are in any sort of rank order, and I'll keep my own top 10 to myself...

Full Name: Ellen Philpotts-Page
D.o.B.(+/- Pea): 21/2/87 (-3)
Nationality: Canadian

Character Ref: Juno MacGuff - Juno
Notes: I first saw Ellen portraying pedophile-hunting vigilante Hayley Stark in Hard Candy (2005) in which she was amazing (the bits I could watch, anyway....). Quite a baptism of fire, especially for someone as young as she was; there was probably a risk of her being typecast into roles in 'serious' movies. Luckily, she seemed to want to go on to more light hearted and comedic roles. To then go on to play a mutant, a pregnant teen and a roller-derby queen is more than impressive.
According to Wiki, which is of course an irrefutable source of evidence, as a child she enjoyed playing with action figures and climbing trees. It's this tomboy nature combined with her animated acting style and sometimes graceful womanly charm that really caught my attention. That, and the quirky, independent, confident roles she seems to have played in recent times. That's pretty much all I want in a girl. Amazing.

Must-see Moment: 'Whipping it' in the movie, er, 'Whip It'. Which also features some of my other favourite actresses/comediennes (Wiiiiig!!).


She sports one of the most beautiful wry-smiles I've ever seen. She was hilarious and amazing on SNL, and therefore hilarious and amazing in real life.
She seems to know what she wants in life, at least as far as the movie roles she accepts, and is about as far removed from her 'Hollywood' peers (Lohan, et al) as it's possible to get, which can only be a good thing.
Probably more likely to be found at a Broken Social Scene gig than some sleazy LA club.
I'd love to spend a day with her exploring the museums and galleries of some city, or maybe jamming out on some 80s-era synths, or just kicking back watching a Seinfeld marathon....

No stalker.

Call me??!


LOOKS: 9.6

We have a new top 'Hot Trump'!!

Right after I finished this post I discovered the Google/YouTube 'Search Stories' feature.  With memories of Ellen still running around my head, and fully expecting somebody to take legal action, I made this: